We are a bit different.

Before you go through the pricing, do keep in mind, the pricing structure we have is fundamentally different from other field workforce software. So you won't see the usual pricing in terms of features or modules like job tracking, scheduling, quoting and marketing function. Rather, we go back to the fundamentals when it comes to pricing - use as many modules - with each of the plans restricted by the data or components usage.
Each of the 450 companies we work with have their own tailored custom field service app that has been configured for them within days. We do not provide the same software for 1,000 other companies. We build for 1 company. You.

Still want a standard FSM pricing chart for easy comparison with other players? Click here


Number of User Licenses

Additional Users

Number of Applications

Number of Datarows


Self Hosted

AI Builder

AI Plugins

DB connection

Custom Role Builder

Access to Industry Specific Templates

Implementation & Support Services

Number of Reporting Widgets

Web Access for Apps

App Level Restrictions






Upto 100,000
Upto 20
Upto 100
Live Location Tracking
Maps, Calendar, Resources, custom PDF, Signature
Upto 1 Million
Upto 10
Upto 3


Still a bit confused about the best plan for you?

Why are you not pricing based on the standard feature set for field service?

Fieldproxy is the field service software that our customers come to in case they do have very specific requirements that are tailored to their business. We want to give you 100% of what you need. Not 80% of a standard product that is used by millions of others. We build in building field service software for just 1 business. For you. And since each business is different,the number of data-rows or components used is the only way for us to standardise it across multiple organisations

How do I know if Fieldproxy is the right fit?

If you have been exploring FSM solutions for a while and have still not been able to narrow down on something that solves your exact pain point, the way you want - then we are for you. We love taking on newer customers with unique use cases and processflows that can also help improve our platform
In case you are fine with using a product that is an off the shelf solution that solves some of your pain points - and you want to get started tomorrow, then we may not be a fit. But if you are willing to invest 2-4 weeks of time to get almost 100% of what you want, the way you need - we may be exactly what you are looking for.

Also, in case your existing system is not able to scale with you, we would be the right fit

Do we have to build or configure the entire application from scratch?

No. We have our own team of product experts+AI product assistants who will help configure the application within days. There will be a one time implementation charge that will be billed at $40/hour.

Why custom build apps when there are standard solutions?

We have standard solutions that can be used off the shelf. However, the underlying platform is structure in such a way that you can customise every base element+flows based on your use case, rather than compromise your process to fit an existing solution

How long does it take to build a custom Field Service Solution?

Most of our implementations take between 2-4 weeks end to end once we get the exact specifications. The reason we are able to churn out custom FSM applications this quickly is due to a large database of custom templates for each module and our AI builder that helps quickly make configurations on top of our existing core FSM application

Do you have monthly plans?

No. We only have yearly plans. We are equally committed to the success of the implementation - and are more like consultants during every step of the cycle right from the configuration to implementation to training. The tool you select is going to be a lifelong journey, andwewouldlike to scale as you scale - and we would need atleast a yearly upfront committment to make it a success

Do you provide trials?

Yes. We do have custom PoCs that we help setup, so that you are able to get an idea of what to expect. Do note that we need commitment from your end too to ensure the trial is a suceess. We do put our best foot during the trial phase and help in configuring specific processflows that you want to test out.
The main objective during the trial would be to take 1-2 use cases and see how those would work on the Fieldproxy platform.

Do you have custom pricing options?

In case you do have more than 50 users and want a custom pricing quote, do reach out to us at sales@fieldproxy.com

What are Apps?

You can think of apps as an individual end to end module e.g. Scheduling, Asset Maintenance, Contracts - all of these are individual modules and each would constitute a single app.  

What are Datarows?

Every new row of data that is inputted into the platform through the application is a datarow. A new job, a new customer, a new contract. Apps and datarows are the primary currency of billing and restriction on the platform

What are AI builders and AI plugins?

To ensure we speed up the process of deployment of the applications, we have built an AI app builder that can generate entire app screens, processflows and configurations through simple prompts. That is the reason we are able to deploy applications 100x quicker than if you build it from scratch
AI plugins are smaller widgets on top of existing applications that help you accomplish smaller tasks - e.g. a job summary report with root cause analysis for SLA breach or breakdown - you have a plugin for that. Or autoallocate pending jobs across all technicians based on skillsets - we have another plugin for that. During the configuration stage, we will be able to suggest the best plugins based on your use case

Can I self host?

We can deploy the application on your server or connect to your DBs, both of which are available in the enterprise plans alone. Do reach out to sales@fieldproxy.com for a custom quotation

Can I get my own application?

Yes. You can deploy your a While labelled version of Fieldproxy in the enterprise plan. Do reach out to sales@fieldproxy.com for a custom quotation

Do you integrate with my existing systems?

Yes. We do provide direct integrations with most helpdesk and billing platforms. We also have open APIs and are listed on Zapier

Do you offer refunds?

What are the support options?

During the onboarding stage, you will be provided with a dedicated onboarding manager. Post deployment and training, you can reach out to the support team anytime through emails.