We Asked Experts What FSM Is Going To Look Like In 2023

We asked a bunch of leaders in our mailing list what they thought of the FSM industry, and where it’s heading toward in 2023, and they were more than happy to pitch in.

Shoaib Ahmed
3 min
July 8, 2024
FSM in 2023

The future is unpredictable. In the world of business, it’s almost impossible to expect what’s going to happen two, three, five months down the line. But with the help of data and some much needed expert insight, you just might be able to avoid being completely wrong.

We asked a bunch of leaders in our mailing list what they thought of the FSM industry, and where it’s heading toward in 2023, and they were more than happy to pitch in.

So in this article, we’re going to take a look at exactly what these leaders believe the future of field service is going to look like and how we can go about navigating uncertain times. Let’s get started.

How The FSM Market Is Going To Look Like In 2023

Prediction #1: Increased Focus On Outcome-Based Productivity Measurement

As we move toward a more automated population of field service professionals, we’re going to see a lot more managers focus on having their field teams get more work done, and rewarding them rightly so. In our survey we found that around 80% believed there’s going to be a change in the way management operates.

“There’s going to be an increased focus on KPIs (reducing unproductive time, office time, supply management, or productivity metrics)” is what the majority asserted.

Prediction #2: Micromanaging Is Going To Come Back And Bite A Lot Of Field Managers

While we mentioned a lot of field teams are going to be focused on outcomes, managers that scrutinize every tiny detail of their team’s activities, however, are going to have a difficult time.

Micromanaging does more damage to field teams than any managerial mistake, the survey group agreed. Overburdening teams with more tasks than needed came in at a close second.

Prediction #3: Investing In Tech Will Be A Game Changer

In 2023, we’re also going to see a lot of companies investing heavily in their employees’ upskiling and tech stack. 60% of our respondents believe that “automation helps reduce a manager's responsibilities so that they can get more done faster”.

Less than 10% believe that automation does not necessarily help increase a company’s revenue

Prediction #4: Lack Of Proper Systems Will Break A Company

Around 70% of our respondents stated that companies that do not scale most likely do not have the right systems in place. During uncertain times, these systems are what will help maintain a company’s balance. Not having the right systems in place will kill a businesses.

Meet The Contributors

  • Shadab Ahmad, Webyroot
  • Gaurav Sharma, Management Representative at Cargo Gear Services
  • Siddharth Thakker, Head of Business Development at Sweet Confectionary Private Limited
  • Mohammad Adnan Qureshi, Channel Cargo Couriers
  • Aadarsh Gupta, Quink Post
  • Mohammad Adnan Qureshi, Channel Courier Cargo
  • Sulagna Mukherjee Chatterjee, Smilecure
  • Bhavesh Trivedi, MarketMe
  • Dinesh, Inspiration Digital
  • Shoaib Ahmed, Fieldproxy
  • Mohana, Fieldproxy

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We Asked Experts What FSM Is Going To Look Like In 2023

Shoaib Ahmed
July 8, 2024
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